Evidence-based treatments and practices
I am trained in several programs based on Cognitive Behavioral (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral (DBT) principles to help regulate your emotions.
I am trained in a number of evidence-based behavioral parent training programs and can help you manage your child's disruptive behaviors in as little as 4 sessions.
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is the gold standard treatment for individuals who want to change a behavior (substance use, diet, exercise, etc.).
For those diagnosed later in life (teens and young adults), it may be a confusing time. I have experience supporting individuals in their journey of self-discovery as neurodivergent. I provide an initial consultation for those who have questions and ongoing coaching for those who want support.
Licensed Psychologist, California (CA # 30381)
I am a Clinical Psychologist licensed in the State of California. I specialize in children and adolescent care. I treat depression, anxiety, and anger in children and adolescents. I provide parenting support and training to parents with children who have disruptive behaviors.
Clinical Supervisor (2024 - present)
University of California, Los Angeles
Supervising clinical cases of 2nd year graduate students via weekly group meetings.
Clinical Psychologist (2020 - present)
Maya Boustani, PhD, California
Providing psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults via telehealth
Clinical Supervisor (2018 – present)
Loma Linda University, Behavioral Health Institute
San Bernardino City School District
Supervising clinical cases of 2nd year graduate students via weekly individual and group meetings, live supervision, and video observation of sessions.
Supervising student co-supervisors
Clinical Co-Supervisor (2016 – 2018)
University of California, Los Angeles Psychology Clinic
Co-supervising clinical cases of 2nd year graduate students via weekly individual and group meetings, live supervision and video observation of sessions.
Clinician (2016-2018)
University of California, Los Angeles Psychology Clinic
Managing and Adapting Practices (MAP) with children and adolescents
Modular Approach to Treatment for Children (MATCH) with children and adolescents
Clinical Intern (2015-2016)
University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX
Harris County Psychiatric Center: Group therapy, individual therapy, and assessment of children and adolescents in acute psychiatric unit and in juvenile justice unit.
Center for Neurobehavioral Research on Addiction: Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive Behavior Therapy with adult cocaine abusers; Assessment of adult cocaine abusers using the SCID, ASI
Changing Lives through Autism Spectrum Services Clinic: Assessment and treatment of adolescents and young adults with suspected high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder using the ADOS 2, SRS, AQ/EQ, BASC, ASEBA, Wechsler scales, Woodcock Johnson, Conners-3, Social Stories Questionnaire
Group Therapist and Sexual Health Educator (2014-2015)
Miami Bridge, Miami, FL
Group-based evidence-based (SiHLE) sexual health program for teens in emergency shelter
Assessment Practicum Clinician (2014)
Center for Children and Families, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Assessment of school-age children using the DISC, WIAT, WASI, and CBCL
Life Skills Group Therapist (2013-2014)
Miami Bridge, Miami, FL
Problem-solving and communication skills workshops for teens living in an emergency shelter
Substance Abuse Family Therapist (2011-2014)
University of Miami, Miami, FL
Home-based and family-based Motivational Interviewing with alcohol abusing teens
Teen Parenting Group Therapist (2013-2014)
Continuing Opportunities for Purposeful Education (COPE) High School for Teenage Mothers
Post-partum depression prevention and parenting skills for teen moms
Behavior Consultant (2011-2013)
Miami Music Project
Classroom behavior management consultations for music educators
Early Intervention Family Therapist (2013)
Center for Children and Families, Florida International University, Miami, FL
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Therapist (2003-2005)
Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Reading, PA
Substance Abuse groups for adults with DUIs and other substance related offenses